We are so excited to be offering Chemical Peels at Kate Aglaia Aesthetics! A chemical peel is a procedure in which a solution is placed on the skin to exfoliate and slough off dead layers of skin, to reveal bright and radiant layers underneath. Chemical peels can range from light to medium depth, which may result in mild flaking all the way to sheet peeling of the skin. This type of treatment is best and recommended during the colder months as you will need to stay out of the sun after this treatment, so doing this type of service that we are so excited to be offering to you is best done when the days are shorter and there is less sunlight.
The phrase “chemical peel” can sound a little scary at first, but it is such a beneficial treatment for those looking to soften fine lines and wrinkles, diminish hyperpigmentation, those suffering from any type of facial scarring including acne scarring, and can even help decrease blemishes. The treatment begins with a double cleanse followed by a skin analysis from your Aesthetician. At this time, we are looking to see the current state of the skin and if there are any areas that will need more focus, as well as any broken skin as we will steer clear of that area. The skin will then be degreased with either medical grade acetone or a recommended solution by the manufacturer of the peel, and this is done to ensure that all oils have been stripped from the skin to allow optimal penetration of the peel. Once the peel starts to be applied, you may experience sensations that range from tingling to what we like to call “spicy”, and this is completely normal! The peel is eating away at all of those dead skin cells, so it is normal to feel activity on the skin. Prepping your skin before a peel and following aftercare instructions is key for achieving your best results. Be sure to discontinue using products with active ingredients, including Retinol, for 3-7 days before and after your peel. When or if you do start flaking and/or peeling, resist the urge to pick at your skin! This could lead to scarring, so just use gentle cleansers and keep your skin hydrated and protected with moisturizer and SPF.
At Kate Aglaia Aesthetics, we strive to give you the best skin and treatments possible. We are so excited to be offering light and medium depth chemical peels to give you all your most radiant and glowing skin. Dry winter skin is out, glowing skin is in! Book your appointment today!